
Moving Body Mind And Spirit©​

Urheberrecht © Kerstina Tresselt. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.  /  ​Copyright © Kerstina Tresselt. All rights reserved.

​Online baby group: 

In Europe in English
Being with a baby

with Kerstina Tresselt

based on the principles of Body-Mind Centering®. 
and cranial and visceral osteopathy 

Starting wednesday Sept  23th 2020


Wholistic Infant Development

Being with a baby in the field of relationship and developing

This virtual course is about quality time with a baby and how we in a wholistic way can support the inherent development of us human beings. Babies of all ages are welcome!
Newborns and babies are already naturally equipped to develop, learn and pre- verbally communicate and already come into the world with the physical and emotional capacity to relate to self, other and the world - especially if we consciously support them with loving presence and the ability to witness them and listen to them. 
We experience principles of wholistic infant development through the quality of loving presence, witnessing, slowing down and pausing for baby’s pace, enhancing our qualities of touch, supporting baby-initiated movement and it´s innate movement patterns, deepen our early bonding and continue developing the mutual attachment to each other. 
Throughout this virtual course we will try to find individual ways of integrating those principles into our daily life and interactions with our babies to raise children to be our next generation of cooperative, connected, caring human beings. 

WHEN: 5 Wednesdays at 10am, starting September 23rd
WHERE: Online through Zoom at Pranama Univere Shala (recording of the class will be available 48 hours after the live session)

For registration through the Pranama Yoga Studio, Stockholm 
please click the button below